Valmont® U-BEAM™ Complete Bridge Solution
The First Galvanized Cold Formed Steel Tub Girder Bridge Solution
Whiteside County, IL Bridge Replacement
Valmont® U-BEAM Complete Bridge Solution: Hit play, and learn about the composite 8” Precast Concrete Deck on 18” Valmont® U-BEAM TM Tub Girders that were used for the Howland Creek Bridge Replacement with Whiteside County Engineer, Russ Renner, PE, SE.
Cast-in-Place Deck Option
Hit play, and learn about Valmont® Bridge U-BEAM™ solutions remove the obstacles to construction so that building new or replacing existing bridges is accomplished faster. These innovative bridge solutions outlast traditionally-built bridges, requiring less maintenance, lowering costs, and improving safety.
Bridge Design Specifications
Staying updated with the 2024 AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications ensures compliance, safety, and efficiency in bridge engineering. The latest standards incorporate advancements in materials, design, and construction, improving resilience, cost-effectiveness, and regulatory alignment.
Meet the Team
Repairing our nation’s bridge inventory with longer life virtually maintenance-free bridges.
The Valmont® U-BEAM™ Complete Bridge Solution is the ideal solution to your long-term planning needs with its projected service life of 100 years. Increased efficiency during the manufacturing process ensures your bridge can be produced quickly and shipped on time. Once delivered, bridges can be installed in just one day, which reduces construction shutdowns and lowers your cost.
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Galvanized Steel Tub Girders for Bridges up to 100’ Per Span
100-year service life gives lowest cost of ownership and also reduced road closures, motorist inconvenience and loss of use during construction.
Previous Bridge Projects
Champaign County
Valmont U-BEAM Complete Bridge Solution
The First Galvanized Cold Formed Steel Tub Girder Bridge Solution in Illinois
How? Key Components Coming Together.
Why Change? Concrete Box Beam & Performance Deficiencies
The side-by-side box-beam bridge was the bridge of choice for short to medium span bridges due to ease of construction, favorable span-to-depth ratios, aesthetic appeal, and high torsional stiffness.
Major deficiencies of the concrete box beam include:
Reflective Deck Cracking (cracking between the beams that reflects to the deck surface)
Only 35 Year Service Life in Extreme Conditions
Early Deterioration of Joints
Limited Corrosion Protection
Performance problems persist despite design changes over the last 70 years. Specifically, the longitudinal deck cracking reflecting from the shear keys, still persist. Reflective deck cracking is identified as the leading cause for triggering.
Anchor Bay Drive, a 2020 Prize Bridge Award winner, along Lake St. Clair in Clay, Mich., is a press-brake-formed tub girder bridge.
(Photo Courtesy of TEG Engineering)
First Hot-Dipped Galvanized Steel Bridge: The 420’ long Stearns Bayou Bridge was constructed in 1966 over fresh water in Ottawa County, Michigan. It was the first hot-dipped galvanized steel bridge erected in the U.S. and provides a great case study of the durability of galvanized steel. The bridge carries light to medium traffic flow and is treated with road salt in the winter.
10-12 week Delivery Leadtime
100-year Service Life
Reduced road closure duration, reduced traffic delays – quick installation.
Best economical optional compared to traditional concrete box beams. More than 2X the projected service life.
Substantially lighter weight than concrete box beams allows use of smaller installation equipment.
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Skews up to 45 degrees Meets IDOT Specifications, plans and special provisions available for design reference
Follows AASHTO LRFD for HL-93 loading Compatible with AASHTOware Load Rating Program
Easy to follow and check Mathcad calculations Con-Struct’s Engineers will design a bridge at no charge to meet your parameters
Steel Press-Brake-Formed Tub Girders are a 2021 AASHTO Innovation Focus Technology!
Multiple installation options:
Pre-assembled with precast deck ready for traffic in two days
Tub Girders and precast deck shipped separately for field assembly
Tub girders delivered to site for cast-in-place deck
Wide range of spans available: from 25’ to 100’, with an unlimited number of spans
Long life – projected service life 100 years
Designed per AASHTO section 6.11 Box Section Flexural Members.
Reduced road closure duration, reduced traffic delays – quick installation
Substantially lighter weight than precast concrete box beams
Economical compared to traditional concrete box beams:
More than twice the projected service life
Valmont® Bridge Systems Install | Petersburg Road Over Swamp Raisin Creek
Valmont® Bridge Systems | U-Beams™ and Deck Timelapse
Peoria County Looks to Steel for Innovative Bridge Replacement Project
Peoria, Illinois Assistant County Engineer Jeff Gilles thought it was time for a change. Faced with a backlog of short span bridges to replace and limited funding, he was ready to try an innovative modular approach endorsed by Brian Keierleber, P.E., Buchanan County Engineer in neighboring Iowa, who was enthused about a steel press brake tub girder bridge (PBTG) he had installed.